guardian angel of december

Guardian Angels of December: Your Divine Guides

Written by: The Angelic Throne



Time to read 7 min

Guardian angels have long been a part of human spirituality and mythology. They are believed to be divine beings that watch over us and offer guidance and protection throughout our lives. Each month has its own group of guardian angels, and those born in December have some unique and powerful protectors.

Guardian Angels of December: Discover Their Powers and How to Connect with Them

Have you ever felt like you have a special guiding force watching over you? You may be right. Guardian angels are believed to be divine beings that watch over us and guide us through life. Each month has its own group of guardian angels, and those born in December have some unique and powerful protectors. In this article, we'll explore the Guardian Angels of December, their powers, and how to connect with them.

Who are the Guardian Angels of December?

The Guardian Angels of December are Malahidael, Hariel, and Hakamiah. Malahidael is known for helping people with creativity, while Hariel assists with healing and spiritual growth. Hakamiah is believed to help with emotional healing, relationships, and justice. Each of these angels has unique gifts and powers that can be called upon for guidance and support.


Malahidael is associated with the element of fire and can help with creativity and inspiration. If you're looking to tap into your creative side, or need help with a project, Malahidael may be able to assist you.


Hariel is associated with the element of water and can assist with healing. Whether you need physical or emotional healing, Hariel can help guide you towards the resources and support you need. This angel is also associated with spiritual growth and can help you deepen your spiritual practice.


Hakamiah is associated with the element of air and can assist with relationships and justice. If you're struggling with a difficult relationship or legal matter, Hakamiah may be able to offer guidance and support.

Powers of the Guardian Angels of December

Malahidael is known for helping with creativity and inspiration. Hariel can help with healing, both physical and emotional. Hakamiah can assist with relationships and justice. Each of these angels has unique gifts and powers that can be called upon for guidance and support.

Connecting with the Guardian Angels of December

Connecting with your guardian angels can be a powerful experience that can bring guidance and comfort. Here are some ways to connect with the Guardian Angels of December:


Find a quiet space and meditate on the intention of connecting with your guardian angels. Visualize a warm, bright light surrounding you and inviting your guardian angels to join you.


Offer a prayer to your guardian angels, inviting them to guide and protect you. You can also ask for their specific help with a situation or challenge you're facing.

Signs and symbols

Pay attention to signs and symbols that may indicate the presence of your guardian angels. This could be a feather, a repeated number pattern, or a feeling of warmth or comfort.


Take some time to journal your thoughts and feelings, and ask your guardian angels to guide your writing. You may be surprised at the insights and guidance that come through your writing.

List of Guardian Angels of December

  1. Malahidael
  2. Hariel
  3. Hakamiah


The Guardian Angels of December are powerful beings that can offer guidance and support in various areas of life. Whether you're seeking creativity, healing, or justice, Malahidael, Hariel, and Hakamiah can assist you. By connecting with these guardian angels through prayer, meditation, and paying attention to signs and symbols, you can tap into their guidance and wisdom. If you were born in December or have a special connection to this month, consider calling upon the Guardian Angels of December for support and guidance. You can also create a special altar or shrine in your home dedicated to these guardian angels. Place symbols, images, or offerings that represent Malahidael, Hariel, and Hakamiah on your altar and spend time in meditation or prayer in this sacred space.

It's important to remember that connecting with your guardian angels is a personal experience, and everyone's journey will be unique. It's okay if you don't receive an immediate response or guidance from your guardian angels. Trust in the process and know that they are always with you, offering guidance and support in their own way.

Additionally, the Guardian Angels of December are not the only angels that can offer guidance and support. There are many other guardian angels that are associated with different months, zodiac signs, and life events. If you're looking for guidance or support in a specific area, research the associated guardian angels and see if they resonate with you.

In conclusion, the Guardian Angels of December are powerful beings that can offer guidance and support in various areas of life. Whether you're seeking creativity, healing, or justice, Malahidael, Hariel, and Hakamiah can assist you. By connecting with these guardian angels through prayer, meditation, and paying attention to signs and symbols, you can tap into their guidance and wisdom. Trust in the power of your guardian angels and allow them to guide and protect you throughout your life's journey. Remember, you are never alone.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Guardian Angels of December

  1. Who are the Guardian Angels of December? The Guardian Angels of December are Malahidael, Hariel, and Hakamiah. Each of these angels has unique gifts and powers that can be called upon for guidance and support.
  2. What are the powers of the Guardian Angels of December? Malahidael is known for helping with creativity and inspiration. Hariel can help with healing, both physical and emotional. Hakamiah can assist with relationships and justice.
  3. How can I connect with my Guardian Angels of December? There are many ways to connect with your guardian angels, including meditation, prayer, paying attention to signs and symbols, and journaling.
  4. How do I know if my Guardian Angels of December are communicating with me? Your guardian angels may communicate with you through signs and symbols, such as feathers, repeated number patterns, or a feeling of warmth or comfort. Trust your intuition and be open to receiving messages from your guardian angels.
  5. Can I call upon my Guardian Angels of December for help with specific issues or challenges? Yes, you can call upon your guardian angels for help with any issue or challenge you may be facing. Be specific in your request for help and trust that your guardian angels will guide you towards the resources and support you need.
  6. Can I have more than one Guardian Angel? Yes, you can have multiple guardian angels that watch over you and offer guidance and support. Each person has a unique set of guardian angels that are specific to their needs and life path.
  7. Do I have to be born in December to connect with the Guardian Angels of December? No, you don't have to be born in December to connect with the Guardian Angels of December. Anyone can call upon these powerful beings for guidance and support. If you have a special connection to this month, you may find it easier to connect with these guardian angels.

Offerings for the Guardian Angels of December

When it comes to offerings for the Guardian Angels of December, it's important to choose items that feel unique and meaningful to you. Here are some creative ideas for offerings that can help you deepen your connection with the Guardian Angels of December:

  1. Artwork: If you're an artist, consider creating a piece of artwork that honors the Guardian Angels of December. You could paint a portrait of Malahidael, Hariel, or Hakamiah, or create a mixed media piece that incorporates their symbols and colors.
  2. Music: Music can be a powerful way to connect with the divine. Consider composing a song or piece of music that honors the Guardian Angels of December. You could use their associated elements and colors as inspiration for your composition.
  3. Handmade gifts: Handmade gifts are a thoughtful and unique way to show your gratitude to your guardian angels. Consider knitting a scarf or blanket in their colors, or making a piece of jewelry that incorporates their symbols and gemstones.
  4. Nature offerings: Nature is a powerful symbol of the divine and can be a beautiful offering to your guardian angels. Consider gathering fallen leaves or pinecones in the colors associated with the Guardian Angels of December and offering them on a dedicated altar or shrine.
  5. Acts of kindness: One of the most powerful offerings you can make to your guardian angels is to live a life of kindness and compassion. Consider performing acts of kindness in honor of the Guardian Angels of December, such as volunteering at a local charity or donating to a cause you care about.

Remember, the most important thing when it comes to offerings is to choose items that feel authentic and meaningful to you. Don't be afraid to get creative and think outside the box. Your guardian angels will appreciate any gesture of gratitude and respect that comes from the heart.


Golden Cloud

My name is Golden Cloud, and I am an angelic medium. I have the unique privilege of communicating with angels and archangels who entrust me with vital information and specific instructions. My role is to assist individuals by offering spiritual support through prayers, providing specially blessed amulets, and crafting protective talismans and charms. Additionally, I guide people in spiritual initiations and help them establish profound connections with their guardian angels. Through these divine interactions, I aim to bring peace, guidance, and positive change to others' lives. Welcome to Angelic Throne, where spiritual guidance and angelic wisdom flourish.

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